Monday, September 30, 2019

Cassius Analysis

Edgar KarapetyanKarapetyan 1 1 October 2012 Cassius vs. Rome Character Analysis Essay â€Å"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. † In William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar†, there are many dangerous people who are around Caesar. Cassius, supposedly one of Caesars close friends, devises a group called the Conspirators to end Caesars time of rule. This play shows how they kill him, and how Rome goes through chaos as a result.Cassius is a fascinating character created by Shakespeare. Although Antony shows many characteristics of an intelligent person, Cassius is the smartest character in this play because he has more admirable traits. A great trait to have as an individual is the power to manipulate people into doing whatever you want. Fortunately, Cassius has that ability. After devising a plan to assassinate Caesar, he searched for a particular group of people who were powerful and had the same wish he had. The most important person for his team was Brutus. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings†(28) is what Cassius tells Brutus to try and pursue him to join the conspirators. He said that Caesars rise is their fault because they are not doing anything to stop it. Cassius used his smart, clever, and manipulative ways to tell Brutus that basically, you are helping Rome by killing Caesar. â€Å"And since you know you cannot see yourself/ so well as by reflection, I, your glass/ Will modestly discover to yourself†(25) is said to Brutus to persuade him to join the conspiracy because Cassius will help him find himself.It is this manipulative ability that allows Cassius to carry out his plan and, ultimately, kill Caesar. Imagine how difficult it would be to kill a ruler. It is practically impossible unless you have the mind of a genius and the sharpness of a killer. Thanks to Cassius’ clever mind and precise planning, he accomplished this goal. Even though he ended up killing himself, he successfully completed his mission. . â€Å"He reads much;/He is a great observer, and he looks/ Quite through the deeds of men†(30-31) is said by Julius Caesar to describe Cassius. This shows that even though Julius Caesar is a stubborn, selfish person, he sees Cassius’ power.Cassius was like Michael Jordan in the 1991 NBA Finals. He was committed to succeeding his mission no matter what it took. â€Å"Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous†(30). Based on what Caesar said about Cassius, this shows that he is so focused, other people can easily see it in his face. Cassius used his skills for the wrong reasons, but you can definitely see what kind of person he really is. The flaw that Cassius has that is very easily seen throughout this play is his jealousy of Caesar. Cassius wants the people to look at him the way they look at Ca esar. ‘But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that ’Caesar’? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? ’ (28). By trying to kill him, he thought that they would see him and Brutus as their saviors, but, instead, they saw them as traitors of Rome due to Antony’s words. â€Å"I was born free as Caesar; so were you: / we both have fed as well, and we can both / Endure the winter's cold as well as he†(27) is what Cassius says about Caesar. Cassius believes that he is just as great as Caesar and does not think that Caesar should be treated specially.Cassius’ eye for power is what causes him to kill himself. He saw that his plan had gone too far and that he would be captured so he committed suicide. Unlike Cassius, Brutus had killed Caesar for the love of Rome. Cassius is truly the villain in this story by Shakespeare. â€Å"The only thing necessary for the triumph of villains is for good men t o do nothing† Edmund burke. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar, the good men of Rome do not allow the villain, which in this case is Cassius, to go without being punished.They pursue him until he is forced to commit suicide. Among these good people, there is Octavius, Lepidus, and most importantly, Antony. Sometimes, the smartest character is not necessarily the good guy. Through his cleverness, manipulative ability and hate for Caesar, Cassius accomplished what was practically impossible†¦ to kill a God. Works Cited â€Å"Notable Quotes in Julius Caesar. † Notable Quotes in Julius Caesar. N. p. , n. d. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. ;http://www. shakespeare-navigators. com/JC_Navigator/notable_quotes. html;.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


I am also certified In First Ad CPRM In case any children choke. I am also familiar with the centers emergency evacuation plan. Another way we can ensure safety In our classrooms Is by Inspecting all the toys In the classroom and making sure they are safe for the children. Functional Area #2 Health- In order to promote good health and nutrition and prevent Illness make sure that when the children walk In the center they stop at the hand assonating station and clean their hands to prevent any illness or bacteria from home.When prepping any type of food we always wear gloves. We also use gloves In sitting with toileting and after wiping noses to avoid spreading germs. I also am a mandated reporter and trained to recognize child abuse and report it. I sanitize toys and cots on a weekly basis. We make sure blankets are sent home every Friday to be washed. I follow all my centers procedures on sick child guidelines to make sure illness isn't spread in the classroom. We have a food program based on the Arch Diocese Of Philadelphia.It meets all the guidelines needed to provide the children nutritional need. I like it because they offer a variety of nutritional foods such as rest fruit and veggies and milk, whole grains etc to meet the children's need. Functional Goal #3 Learning Environment- I believe that my classroom is set up in a matter where the children will have space to utilize all activities such as: Dramatic Play- In dramatic play the children have all the needs of a real kitchen with recyclable items such as empty cereal boxes, milk gallons, water bottles etc..They have dress up where they can dress up as their favorite profession or Just plain old â€Å"mommy† and â€Å"daddy. We encourage the children to use their imaginations in this area. We also eave a â€Å"cozy corner away from any noisy centers where they can wind down and read a book, this is a good thing to do right before nap time. Then we have our table toys which we use as structure pl ay where they use logos or Intertwining toys which are also good for fine motor and and cognitive skills.This also gives them a chance to build relationship with teachers and peers. Then we have our structurally time that can range from arts and crafts for the theme of the week AR letters and numbers of the week In which we discuss at circle time. So In conclusion I feel that all these things are vital In the growth of a child. and I m here to ensure all these things are put Into place. Safe is by making sure all cleaning materials are put up and out of sight of children to avoid any poisoning.I also make sure that our first aid kit is well stocked with the things we need such as band aids, creams and bottled water. I am also certified in First Aid CPRM in case any children choke. I am also familiar with the centers emergency evacuation plan. Another way we can ensure safety in our classrooms is by inspecting all the toys in the classroom and making sure they are safe for the preven t illness I make sure that when the children walk in the center they stop at the here they can dress up as their favorite profession or Just plain old â€Å"mommy' and â€Å"daddy'.We encourage the children to use their imaginations in this area. We also have a â€Å"cozy corner† away from any noisy centers where they can wind down and toys which we use as structure play where they use logos or intertwining toys which build relationship with teachers and peers. Then we have our situational time that the week in which we discuss at circle time. So in conclusion I feel that all these things are vital in the growth of a child. and I am here to ensure all these things are put into place.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay

Everyone manages. We manage our finances, time, careers, and relationships. We tend not to think of these activities as â€Å"managing† or of ourselves as being â€Å"managers.† Nevertheless, they are. These examples of managing or being managers are relatively simple and straightforward, even though we may find many of them fraught with difficulty. It is when the concepts of managing or being a manager are applied to organizations that complexity increases—almost always exponentially. At this point it becomes necessary to study and understand the theoretical bases of management. The practice of management and the classical enunciation of management principles can be traced to the 19th century. The development of management as an academic discipline based on a body of knowledge that can be taught is a recent development and is generally attributed to the work of Peter F. Drucker in the latter half of the 20th century. That body of knowledge is taught in graduate schools of business and in programs that prepare managers of public health departments, programs, and health services organizations, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. This chapter provides a basic introduction to management theory and problem solving, and concludes with a brief discussion of negotiation and alternative dispute resolution. Managers are persons who are formally appointed to positions of authority in organizations. They enable others to do their work and are accountable to a higher authority for work results. Primarily, the differences between levels of managers are the degree of authority and the scope of their accountability for work results. Line managers manage people and things; staff managers, such as the human resources department and the fiscal office, support the work of line managers. Management Functions and Decision Making The five management functions of planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and staffing are brought to life and connected by decision making, which is itself a subset of the essential process for managers that is known as problem solving. Little that managers at all levels in an organization do falls outside the purview of the five management functions. Management theorists and practitioners may choose one or two of the five functions as most important, but this is not borne out normatively. When one considers the full range of what managers do (or should do) as they perform their work, concentrating on a few to the exclusion or diminution of the others will invariably cause problems for the organization. Decision making is an inherent activity of managers, and they make decisions within and among the five management functions. Decision making is part of the process of problem solving, which also includes problem analysis. Performance of the management functions and the decision making of problem solving should be evaluated using explicit and measurable criteria. In addition to engaging in the five management functions, managers must utilize specific skills, play various roles, and evidence a number of competencies. Managing and Leading Some theorists and academicians distinguish managers and leaders, based on the view that managing is more caretaking and maintaining status quo (transactional) whereas leading is more visionary and dynamic (transformational). That distinction may be more important pedagogically than in practical application, however, especially at the organization’s operating level. Senior managers must ensure effective current organizational activities and that an organization’s future is envisioned. Using this vision, the organization can be transformed as needed. As they work to achieve organizational objectives, managers use technical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills. These skills are applied in various proportions, depending on the manager’s task and level in the organizational hierarchy. Usually, senior managers make greater use of conceptual skills, whereas middle- and entry level managers use a more even mix of the three. The research of Henry Mintzberg found that managers have different roles, the general categories of which include interpersonal, informational, and decisional. Each may be segmented. For example, the interpersonal role includes figurehead and influencer, informational includes monitor and spokesperson, and the decisional role includes entrepreneur and negotiator. Successful managers integrate these various roles and are likely to engage in them without making a clear distinction. Another way to understand managers’ work is to identify their competencies, some of which are found in the categorizations discussed earlier. Conceptual, technical managerial/clinical, interpersonal/collaborative, political, commercial, and governance competencies are used in different proportions by managers at various levels of the organization. Most theories view leadership as grounded in one or more of the following three perspectives: leadership as a process or relationship, leadership as a combination of traits or personality characteristics, or leadership as certain behaviors or, as they are more commonly referred to, leadership skills. In virtually all of the more dominant theories there exist the notions that, at least to some degree, leadership is a process that involves influence with a group of people toward the realization of goals. I will say on the front end that, in my opinion, leadership is a dynamic and complex process, and that much of what is written these days tends to over-simplify this process. My goal here is to provide an overview that keeps things simple, without crossing into over-simplification, and for the most part refraining from any critiquing of the various theories. I will leave that to my fellow bloggers for now. Trait Theory This theory postulates that people are either born or not born with the qualities that predispose them to success in leadership roles. That is, that certain inherited qualities, such as personality and cognitive ability, are what underlie effective leadership. There have been hundreds of studies to determine the most important leadership traits, and while there is always going to be some disagreement, intelligence, sociability, and drive (aka determination) are consistently cited as key qualities. Skills Theory This theory states that learned knowledge and acquired skills/abilities are significant factors in the practice of effective leadership. Skills theory by no means disavows the connection between inherited traits and the capacity to be an effective leader – it simply argues that learned skills, a developed style, and acquired knowledge, are the real keys to leadership performance. It is of course the belief that skills theory is true that warrants all the effort and resources devoted to leadership training and development Situational Theory This theory suggests that different situations require different styles of leadership. That is, to be effective in leadership requires the ability to adapt or adjust one’s style to the circumstances of the situation. The primary factors that determine how to adapt are an assessment of the competence and commitment of a leader’s followers. The assessment of these factors determines if a leader should use a more directive or supportive style. Contingency Theory This theory states that a leader’s effectiveness is contingent on how well the leader’s style matches a specific setting or situation. And how, you may ask, is this different from situational theory? In situational the focus is on adapting to the situation, whereas contingency states that effective leadership depends on the degree of fit between a leader’s qualities and style and that of a specific situation or context. Path-Goal Theory This theory is about how leaders motivate followers to accomplish identified objectives. It postulates that effective leaders have the ability to improve the motivation of followers by clarifying the paths and removing obstacles to high performance and desired objectives. The underlying beliefs of path-goal theory (grounded in expectancy theory) are that people will be more focused and motivated if they believe they are capable of high performance, believe their effort will result in desired outcomes, and believe their work is worthwhile. Transformational Theory This theory states that leadership is the process by which a person engages with others and is able to create a connection that results in increased motivation and morality in both followers and leaders. It is often likened to the theory of charismatic leadership that espouses that leaders with certain qualities, such as confidence, extroversion, and clearly stated values, are best able to motivate followers. The key in transformational leadership is for the leader to be attentive to the needs and motives of followers in an attempt to help them reach their maximum potential. In addition, transformational leadership typically describes how leaders can initiate, develop, and implement important changes in an organization. This theory is often discussed in contrast with transactional leadership. Transactional Theory This is a theory that focuses on the exchanges that take place between leaders and followers. It is based in the notion that a leader’s job is to create structures that make it abundantly clear what is expected of his/her followers and also the consequences (i.e. rewards and punishments) for meeting or not meeting these expectations. This theory is often likened to the concept and practice of management and continues to be an extremely common component of many leadership models and organizational structures. Servant Leadership Theory This conceptualization of leadership reflects a philosophy that leaders should be servants first. It suggests that leaders must place the needs of followers, customers, and the community ahead of their own interests in order to be effective. The idea of servant leadership has a significant amount of popularity within leadership circles – but it is difficult to describe it as a theory inasmuch as a set of beliefs and values that leaders are encouraged to embrace.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Extent to which Football Clubs and Governing Bodies Restrict Essay

The Extent to which Football Clubs and Governing Bodies Restrict Player Rights under Article 45 of the TFEU - Essay Example This report stresses that Article 45 of the TFEU refers to rights of workers to move freely within the union. In addition, it also contends that this freedom of movement will involve the elimination of discrimination on the basis of nationality for nationals of member states with regards to remuneration, employment, and conditions of employment and work. This paper makes a conclusion that a further alternative to the home-grown rule in countering the effects of the Bosman ruling has been the transfer fee caps, which has been seen as more attractive in restoring competitive balance. While it will restrict the signing on fees earned by player moving to other clubs, which is in contravention of Article 45(3) of the TFEU with regards to remuneration, it is more preferable to restrictions on player remuneration. However, getting back to the home-grown rule, the view that this will increase the national talent pool is a weak argument. It is evident that the best clubs always recruit the best players from their nation, meaning that there will be adequate numbers of eligible players to play for the national team. As observed by Relvas et al, the Scottish national team is not affected by the fact that most of their best players chose to play in the Premier League, while he also comments on the fact that the influx of international players int o national leagues tends to improve football skills of the domestic footballers, instead of stunting their development.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Managing Information Technology - Essay Example IS steering committee also makes sure that the outcomes of the IS project do not affect the company or any of its departments in the negative way. This calls for the need for the advisory board to have a deep insight into the requirements and objectives of the information system. The advisory board must be able to predict and detect the outcomes and plan how to deal with them. Thus, the main purpose is to monitor the changes that the project or its outcomes are going to inflict upon the company as a whole. The committee also works to promote fair dealing among all the departments and the stakeholders so that every one of them has a right to give invoice in the decisions. This requires right kind of leadership and strategic planning. Another role is to promote healthy communication among all the involved parties to bring positive changes to the business on a collaborative platform, such changes that should affect the stakeholders positively, which is the main purpose of the committee. References Brown, C.V., DeHayes, D.W., Hoffer, J.A., & Perkins, W.C. (2008). Managing Information Technology. USA: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Cultural discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural discussion - Research Paper Example Furthermore, the nurse must consider that Mrs. Nasser’s daughter already has high fever and needs immediate attention. She should accentuate to Mrs. Nasser that she cannot prescribe medicine without understanding the cause of her daughter’s symptoms. In addition, since her daughter is a minor, we cannot force Mrs. Nasser to authorize tests and procedures that she does not want for her daughter. The recommendations for the nurse are: 1) She should inform Mrs. Nasser that her daughter needs immediate clinical attention for her fever and discomfort and that she will try to get a Muslim female physician/gynecologist for her to appease her cultural reservations. If no Muslim female doctor is available, she will tell her that she will try to get a female doctor. If no female doctor is available, then they will find a male doctor and ensure that all examinations will be done with her mother present (Lo, 2009, p.335). The nurse can also remind Mrs. Nasser that ‘necessity overrides the prohibition,’ which is a rule of Islamic Sariah. 2) The nurse can suggest other kinds of examinations to rule out possible causes of diseases, such as physical examination, where if a male physician does it, he will do it with gloves on and in the presence of Mrs. Nasser. Other options are taking rectum samples and doing an ultrasound. 3) The nurse must be sincere and responsive to the cultural and religious beliefs of Mrs. Nasser. She must discuss these various laboratory testing options to her, so that she feels that she has the autonomy to make decisions for her daughter. This will build trust too, which is essential, noting that Mrs. Nasser is scared for her daughter, but wants to remain true to her cultural/religious beliefs. Reference Lo, B. (2009). Resolving ethical dilemmas: A guide for clinicians (4th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams, & Wilkins. Cuban Discussion Food is considered part of people’s culture, which is why it is not surprisin g that Mrs. Demetilla Hernandez wants to continue cooking traditional Cuban dishes to her family. Cuban food affirms her Cuban identity. Cubans strongly value family needs too, which is why Mrs. Hernandez prefers to cook traditional Cuban dishes, though they might not be good for her, after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. She might think that the happiness and satisfaction of her family is more important than her health. Furthermore, as a traditional Cuban woman, Mrs. Hernandez might have more faith in herbs than medicine. It is possible that she is used to drinking herbs to manage her former illnesses. In addition, there must be some language barriers too. She might not understand the lifestyle changes required to keep her blood sugar level close to normal. She needs to absorb the complications of unmanaged Type 2 Diabetes, such as heart and blood vessel disease, nerve damage (neuropathy), and foot damage, among others. Language barriers, cultural beliefs, and diet concerns m ust be addressed. The recommendations for the nurse are: 1) If she knows Spanish, she should speak in Spanish with Mrs. Hernandez and explain to her what Type 2 Diabetes is and what the possible complications are. If not, she should get a Spanish nurse to help her or refer her to a Spanish doctor who can help explain the lifestyle changes needed to manage her blood sugar l

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Yundi Li's piano concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Yundi Li's piano concert - Essay Example The paper tells that Yundi has a very fantastic interpretation and recreation of the Scherzi. This may be the first time that the ‘chopin humour’ is heard in any of these pieces. Yundi is also keen on giving the much needed emphasis to the left-hand, where one only wonders, isn’t it just amazing that someone can actually play in this way? Then in comes the Liszt Sonata. The Liszt Sonata is among the best recordings ever. Yundi gives it justice with his amazing skill and passion. It is now evident that Yundi is not just any other virtuoso. Yundi is impressed by the amazing and shattering way especially on the emotional part of the piece, at that point where Liszt struggled with his other side character. Yundi’s mastery of every subtle nuance for each lyrical part of these pieces in music is just amazing as it is not often heard from other artists. There are also smooth transitions from one theme to the other, and the audience is seen to be obviously moved an d is in sync with the performance, where you get yourself asking, is there going be Liszt’B Minor Sonata better than this? Yundi is seen to be one of very deep feeling as he plays, as it is not always, that’s one will find a pianist gets immersed very deeply in the music during their performance. We can say that music flows out of his fingers and in a very natural way which results in such a very deep feeling. As a gifted young artist, Yundi Li, uniquely distinguished from most his contemporaries by his ability to put a personal stamp on each work, and putting eccentricity to very fine detail. He is an inspirational artist that is keen on delivering performances of equal and standard quality, outlining different circumstances. Skill is portrayed in the first Scherzo as he plays with controlled wild abandon that matches its temperament. There are very slim chances of none of hearing another performance which so clearly risks everything for the inspiration of a moment. T he same can be seen from the three Scherzi that follow. He plays with the equal heroism of the second and is balanced more by the brooding character seen in the third, and the fourth which is slightly lighter. The Liszt Sonata which is mighty and greatly difficult to control is brought to its knees as Yundi plays it with such amazing virtuosity, which he combines with such breathtaking sensitivity. The Liszt seems to break under its great length and its varying mood swings, which later starts to grow in its stature as it goes on. It is not surprising that by now the audience grows ecstatic as it responds to the now built unforgettable event. One

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Forbes Article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forbes Article - Research Paper Example Bove, this could send a very harsh message to many other companies which are headquartered in Philadelphia, New York and Delaware that have a single worker in New Jersey. The article explains how the scenario of business laws has to undergo change since telecommuting emerged as a plausible form of employment for many, especially after the recession. However, the ambiguity that exists in the case of telecommuting and the taxes that are to be levied on the basis of it, addressed by the state of New Jersey, may prove detrimental to the current work arrangements set by many international companies. The best thing about telecommuting had been the fact that companies could employ people working from a place where it does not have to open an office. In cases where a single telecommuter works for a company as mentioned above, the state’s law would mean a huge loss for the company, and a threat of losing the job for the employee. The financial issues involved in the case puts both the customer and the employee at high risk, since both had to compromise a lot for a plausible work arrangement. Ms Thirumalai follows all the employment rules which involves forty hours work per week, travel at her own expense to Rockville twice a year, and use a laptop which she bought with her own money, instead of the one the company provides for the employees who work from their office. The legal case came into existence when the company acknowledged the work arrangement and the state demanded the company file tax on grounds that it maintained an office in the sate. The company refused to do this and moved to court. The Presiding Judge Patrick DeAlmeida explained how the idea of doing business is defined expansively, and the excuse that there is only one employer in New Jersey does not change the court’s conclusion which favored the state’s decision. The situation has fired up public debate through media channels and newspapers, and the company’s decision is

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Formation of Islamic Art and the Amalgamation of Different Literature review

The Formation of Islamic Art and the Amalgamation of Different Cultural - Literature review Example â€Å"Arts of the Islamic World† and â€Å"Islamic art† are significant phrases which refer to the various artistic traditions which have flourished since the advent of Islam across a vast geographic area ranging from southern Spain and North Africa to the islands of Southeast Asia in the late seventh century. (Arts of the Islamic World 2008). One most relevant factor about the formation of Islamic art has been the influence of the varied culture of the world on its formation. â€Å"The cultural influences ranged from Byzantine (inherited when the Ottomans made Constantinople their capital in 1453) to Italian, French, Central Asian, Persian and Arab.† (Sajoo 2001, p. 16-18). There was also important influences from Roman architectural elements, Spanish mosaic decoration, Chinese ceramics, and Iraqi calligraphic styles in North Africa under the Fatimid dynasty. One of the most important elements of Islamic art has been its architecture consisting of a unique relig ious architecture which comprises the mosque (masjid), and the madrasa and a secular architecture including palaces, caravansaries, cities and the mausoleum. The Islam from the Arabian Peninsula had no native artistic traditions, but as it began to spread politically and socially, it also absorbed and adapted indigenous art styles. â€Å"Islamic art thus developed from many sources. Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine styles were taken over in early Islamic architecture; the influence of Sassanian art—the architecture and decorative art of pre-Islamic Persia under the Sassanids—was of paramount significance.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Problem of Personal Identity Essay Example for Free

Problem of Personal Identity Essay I. Introduction In this paper, I will investigate the Problem of Personal Identity. The particular scenario I will respond to is: Suppose that sometime in the future a crazy scientist creates a perfect clone of you. The clone has a qualitatively identical body to yours and has the same memories as you as well as same voice, character, and so on. How would yo convince a court of law that the clone is not really you? What theory of personal identity would help you to make your case (Rauhut, 2011, p. 125)? First I will clarify key terms, and then I will apply those terms in my analysis of the question. Then I will close out by reflecting on my conclusion and some insights I gained about the Problem of Personal Identity. II. Conceptual Clarification Qualitative identity is a state of identity by looking the same or having the â€Å"same properties† (p. 107). An example of qualitative identity is two cars that look the same, as in same red paint, same build of car body, same type and brand of tires, etc., but are not one and the same vehicle since there is more than one. In other words, two objects or persons can look very similar but be two different objects or persons. Numerical identity is the condition of being the same if and only if it is truly â€Å"one and the same† object or person (p. 108). For example, I have a glass of water that I set on the table. It is the only glass of water on the table and there is no one else around to put another glass on the table, thus when I come back to pick it up, it must be the same glass of water I had originally, and is numerically identical. In other words, if two objects or persons look very similar and even function very similar, they can only be numerically identical if they are one and the same object or person, and there is only one of the object or persons being described. The body theory is â€Å"often referred to as animalism;† identity conditions that â€Å"we are around as long as our physical bodies are around† (p. 114). The body theory is based on numerical identity, stating same body, same self. Even though the body may change through time, it is still numerically the same body and thus the same person that experiences through the body. For example, a childhood friend comes back to visit after a longtime of not seeing her. She does not look the same, but-though you probably wouldn’t do this upon seeing her again-her DNA and fingerprints match the friend you knew before, so they must be the same person. Memory theory is the theory that our psychological collection of experiences of different life stages enables us to be sure we are us. In other words, â€Å"we are connected to the past as long as the past is somehow resent within us, and we will be connected with or present in the future as long as we recall this present† or â€Å"as long as my memories are around, I am around† (p. 119). For example, the friend who comes to visit you remembers many of the things you both experienced together, and so you assume she is indeed the same friend you knew before. III. Analysis In this section, I will investigate the scenario of convincing a court of law that a cloned version of me is not really me. First I will briefly discuss the theories of personal identity and the arguments that may form to disprove that the clone is not me. I will then discuss my decisive theory which best supports my case, the body theory, and my reasoning for this. The memory theory would ultimately disprove that I am a separate person then my clone because the clone shares my numerically identical memories. The memories are ultimately one and the same, and remembered by us both. Memory theorists would argue that as long as my memories are around, then I am around, and the body is irrelevant. As the clone also shares my personality or character that formed from those remembered experiences, it causes the theory to be even more convincing. However, there are some issues that come into play, to include the problem of false memories. While my clone remembers all that I experienced, and remembers how each experience felt, these memories occurred before the clone existed. I can have memories of being Napoleon, but that does not mean I am Napoleon. Beliefs of reincarnation may come into play with these issues of memories before our physical existence, but with a clone, the case can be made with the help of the body theory and related science. The body theory best supports my case to prove my clone is a separate person from myself because of the science relative to the creation of my clone. We may be qualitatively identical and even have very near exactly replicated DNA, but small variations make all the difference. A cloned version of myself comes much later then my own self came into being, and thus must have been â€Å"speed-aged†, causing my clone to have a much shorter lifespan than I myself will have (Think quest, 2011). Since clones are a natural concept as well, as identical twins and triplets are basic clones, DNA can also be looked at for variations. Even Siamese twins, who are virtually one body, have variations in the DNA of their separated parts, showing they are indeed two different bodies even though those bodies are connected. The immune system of a cloned being is also less stable than the original being that has been copied; this issue appears to be caused from the â€Å"speed-aging† process, and the cloning of antibodies (Think quest). The main feature of our two beings, myself and my cloned self, that cause us to decisively be two very different persons, is our age and true physical experiences. The physical experience of the memories we share and when they occurred makes our character. Remembering being 5 years old does not make us five years old if we were grown in a lab and â€Å"seed-aged† to five years old in less than a week. Remembering my mother also does not make my cloned self my mother’s daughter. My mother knows only one of me, and would probably have a heart attack if suddenly two of me called her â€Å"mom†. If my original body is lost, my mother would mourn my loss rather than accept I am still here since my clone may still be here. IV. Reflection Insights into the Problem of Personal Identity gained include the science that makes the case for the body theory. Though the body theory essentially was the deciding theory in court to prove my clone is not myself, the memory theory has valid points of why the clone may in fact be myself in a different body. It is essentially logically possible, as it shows in movies, for me to switch bodies with someone and experience new memories without my body. While I did not discuss the soul theory, I also understand how one could argue the nonphysical form of self could continue on when the body dies and perhaps even later be reincarnated into a new body with past memories that body did not experience. However, that is for a different discussion and further investigation. These new insights can be applied in my everyday life, and my continuing to question what makes a person themselves. This will also enable me to better understand the reasoning behind various theories of reincarnation, scien tific study and the concept of cloning, and even the religious aspects to what makes a self that may be different from my own beliefs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Vulnerable Body Critical Discourse Of Code Blue Nursing Essay

Vulnerable Body Critical Discourse Of Code Blue Nursing Essay When words of Code Blue are announced through overhead speakers, my heart always skips a beat, and I will start my personal struggle again among professional, legal and ethic obligation: did I take the right action on a right patient and did I do a right thing? Code blue means a patient, who is in Full Code status, is suffering a event of cardio-respiratory arrest, and immediately needs a starting of full advanced cardiac life support protocol, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), medication, and mechanical ventilation (Lewis, Heitkemper Dirksen, 2006, p.166). I have been working in an adult inpatient medicine unit for six years. I can not exactly remember how many times I initiated a code blue call and have participated with the resuscitation team. Most of the patients that I have involved in code blue have died during the resuscitation process with a huge mess of blood, airway secretion, urine, bowel movement and medication on his or her body or survived less than 24 hours. After each resuscitation action, I felt emotionally drained, depressed, guilty, helpless and frustrated with the code status decision Full Code. In this paper, by presenting a resuscitation scenario, I will conduct a discourse analysis about this clinical d ilemma from both liberal-humanist and scientific-medical perspectives. Through analysis, I understood that clinical dilemma happens all the times, and it also will happen in the future. Nurses need to seek how to explore the contradictions or tensions from different discourses and understand them to grieve over. At the end of the paper, I discuss the implication of the future nursing practice based on the knowledge acquired from this discourse analysis. Personal Story It was my first year in an adult inpatient medicine unit after my graduation from a nursing school. Mr. D was a 97 years old widower. He was admitted to the hospital for congested heart failure, shortness of breath and also found to have pneumonia. He was intubated for respiratory difficulty in the intensive care unit then eventually developed multisystem organ failure, sepsis, and meningitis. Also, he was at the end stage of liver disease, and illustrated by brain damage signs from circulating toxins, hepatic encephalopathy. Arriving at my unit, he complained of shortness of breath and dizziness. His jaundiced skin glowed bright yellow. He showed delirium, repeated the same questions in slurred voice incoherently. He presented a marginal blood pressure, lungs were full of fluid, and oozed blood from his gums and injection sites was hardly to clot. All his limbs were extremely swollen. Nasogastric feeding tube was in situ. Oxygen was supplied at 4-liter by nasal prongs with saturatio n of 88 92%. While checking orders to create a Kardex, I realized his code status was Full Code, and physicians progress notes indicated that decision of code status was discussed between health care team and family three times. Two days later, I found Mr. D was not responding to my greeting and touch during my hourly round checking at 10:00 in the morning; no breathing sound heard, and no palpable pulse. I hit the code blue button on the wall at beside and started CPR. A code blue announcement automatically was delivered through overhead speaking system. Code team arrived in one minute. Night gown was stripped off; an aged body was totally naked. Deep suction via yankauer was made in rush, a tube was inserted down his throat, and then into his lungs in a harsh manner, and a ventilator took over his breathing, blood noted in his mouth; a cardiac monitor was hooked up to his chest; chest compression was made in a powerful manner to reach the depth of 5cm, rib and sternum bones broken noise was heard; a big needle-like catheter for getting artery blood gas by a respiratory therapist was poked into to several locations, blood contaminated his right upper arm and inner thigh; venopuncturing for intravenous cannu la insertion by a nurse was re-poked four times on both extremely swollen arms and blood messed on forearms; isosource of nasogastric feeding came from his nose and mouth, foul odour smelled; epinephrine was injected two times; defibrillator was applied three times with strong electric shock. Twenty minutes later, the physician ordered to stop the resuscitation effort and give up. Mr. D was left naked in the bed, lying without moving, deadly pale on his face. Everybody was exhausted, leaving the room with disappoint on face, and huge mess on the bed and floor. Tears were running down in familys cheek, too sad to say a word. Analyzing Personal Struggle Full code is permission for a code team to insert a ventilation tube into failing lungs, apply electric shock to a fibrillating heart, and unleash a extra blood of punctures, dissections, and exsanguinations on the human body. A resuscitation based on Full Code is supposed to be performed aiming in offering the patient a benefit. However, these interventions are marginally effective (Hiberman, Kutner, Parsons Murphy, 1997; Perers, Abrahamsson, Bang, Engdahl, Lindqvist Karlson, et al, 1999), lives saved and functioning restored only for a small number (15% worldwide average) of people (McGrath, 1987; Saklayen, Liss Markert, 1995; Schneider, Nelson Brown,, 1993). Subjecting a dying person to CPR who is believed there is virtually no hope of survival is a terrible way to practise health care; it is inhumane; and it is an assault. Despite significant improvements made in training, equipment, and drugs, the overall CPR survival rate has remained almost the same over the past 30 years (Beall, 2001). Findings from 33 studies showed that about 16% of patients under age 70 and 12% of patients aged 70 and older survived CPR only (Kaye Mancini, 1996). After participating in the resuscitation for Mr. D, I have been struggling over this real scenario at: (1) what is the quality of death; (2) who can decide the code status; and (3) what can I do for advocating my patient? As a nurse, I have to deal with life-and-death decisions with each of my patients. With the participating in the resuscitation for Mr. D and witnessed his death, I am wondering: what is a quality death? What a kind of process is a quality death? Who defines it? What is the resuscitation doing? How much do patients in terminal life stage have to understand about what dying is like? How well patients dignity could be preserved and integrated into the resuscitation process? How well patients wish could be respected in the decision of code status? How does a patient want everything to be done to extend his life Full Code in hospital parlance, or a patient wants to let his/her death happen naturally without interference a Do Not Resuscitate order? Does the Full Code status really benefit the patients interest or just benefit a substitute decision makers/familys interest? As for Mr. Ds scenario, is the Full Code status his real wish? Is the dying process his real belief about dying? Is t he dying process his real value about the death? Did he image his death with broken sternum and ribs, massive blood mess and contamination? Did he image that, at the end of life, he was surrounded by the code team rather than by his family members? Unfortunately, I have no solution to seek the true answers yet; I felt the contradiction and tension between the resuscitation on behalf of a Full Code status and quality death: professionally, I have duty of care to participate in the resuscitation action and do whatever required for such a purpose, but ethically and morally, I do not want to do any harm on my patients during the resuscitation. It has become my clinical dilemma of struggle for many years. The decision of code status is a complex and controversial topic. Theoretically, it seems simple and easy to declare either patient or patients substitute decision maker will be the subject to make decision about code status. However, in the real working environment, I noted that many patients indications on code status are blank, not checked yet; and sometimes they are left as blank for a long period; also, some patients code status has been changed reversely from Do Not Resuscitate to Full Code by their family; Mr. D was one of such examples. It tells me that the decision process in not a straight-forward linear procedure; it is organic or dynamic. The confusion for me is who is the real decision maker during this organic process, the patient own, patients family/substitute decision maker or a health care provider? As a regulated professional, a health care provider is rarely taking action as such decision maker; usually, either patients or their family will be. While the patient i s capable, it is clear that the patient decides it for himself or herself. However, my wondering is that there are so many factors that will impact patients capacity when decision needed to be made on the code status, such as age, medical condition, the quality of life, religious views and overall wishes. Further more, like the perception on pain, capacity is really subjective; a sound judgement on patients capacity also is difficulty. Who can decide a patients capacity is either intact or impaired without any interest conflict? Like Mr. Ds scenario, due to his senior age and confused medical condition, his daughter was his decision maker from the admission; the reality of his condition was recorded as deteriorated daily, and he had been incapable to provide any input about his code status; the progress notes show us that his code status has been changed from Full Code to Do Not Resuscitate, and then back to Full Code again during a five-week period of hospitalization. Is there any interest conflict in the process while his daughter made decision of turning over on his code status for him, and does such change will really benefit him in relieving suffering, restoring functioning and improving his quality of life? As a member of heath care team, what I can do to advocate my patients decision is really limited so that I am feeling helpless. Being a sick people in a hospital might be very stressful; in additional to physical symptoms, people may feel anxious, depressed and helpless. Also, family members might be place under a difficult time and position during a medical crisis; family members may disagree, emotions might be high and medical information can become confusing agent. In such a stressful circumstance, any possible irrational decision could be made without considering the reality and possibility. Perhaps, we can say nurses are knowledgeable to provide information, as well as nurses know more about the patients daily condition than a physician so that a nurse really can make some good input for health care team and family in decision-making to advocate patients benefit; however, the final decision is totally depending on patients or their substitute decision-makers understanding about the context of code status; they are legally granted the power. Like Mr. Ds case, his decision-maker alternatively requested change of his code status from Do Not Resuscitate to Full Code on his behalf that resulted in futile and miserable resuscitation, even if his most responsible physician could not apply any influence on it. Health care providers are not legally granted such a power, and ethically, we also can not apply our opinions, judgement or choice on patients or their decision-makers decision. So, I have been struggling over the relationship between power and knowledge; under such circumstance, knowledge is not and does not have the power at all. What we can do is through information providing to empower our patients or their decision-maker to use their power to make a right choice on code status to avoid such futile and miserable resuscitation happened on Mr. D without any benefit, but harm. Exploring Discourse Analysis The clinical dilemma as identified in the above scenario, the contradiction and tension are mainly triaged from respecting the patients own or their decision-makers choice on code status while providing our resuscitating intervention. In order to understand the issue, I did literature review on decision making on code status choice. I chose the patients or their decision-makers decision of choice on their code status and how to empower them in making a right decision by information providing to advocate for patients benefit in quality of life at the end of life as my focus. In the following sections, I will use Mr. Ds case to analyze this clinical dilemma from both liberal-humanist discourse and scientific-medical discourse perspectives. Scientific-medical discourse: empower patients to make right choice on code status According to Grant, Giddings Beale (2005), the scientific-medical discourse is based on the biomedical mode of medical science. Its core concept is that a human body is a collection of different parts that are organically organized and form different systems that manifest as a set of symptoms (Brown Seddon, 1996, a, b). It constitutes the scientific fundamentals and becomes the root of nursing science (Grant, Giddings Beale, 2005, p.499). That is the reason I chose it as one of my discourse. Medical knowledge explicitly tells me that life maintenance must be under the control of homeostatic balance, which is maintained by normal functions of all organs; and homeostatic control mechanism can maintain only in a relative narrow constancy (Thibodeau Patton, 2005, p.16). CPR is a desperate technique that is used on the people who are might be suffering cardiac arrest in order to deliver oxygen to blood stream and maintain a cardiac circulation to keep vital organs, such as such as the brain, be oxygenized to be alive, to delay brain death, and maintain the heart to remain responsive to defibrillation; in many type of patients, it virtually never works; for a patient with an advanced age and life-threatening illness who is dying of the underlying disease, there is very limited benefit because survival is rare ( As articulated by Grant, Giddings and Beale (2005), nurses had sound technical knowledge of bodily diseases, the associated symptoms, predisposing causes, and appropriate treatment (p.499) from medical science. Under the influence of biomedical model ideology, the interventions of nursing care have been constructed as a set of tangible, specifically operate-able and measurable procedures that are implemented in a methodical manner step by step, for example, nursing process. Reflecting on Mr. Ds case, by informing them the updated condition and possible prognosis through my careful and objective assessment, I can support my patient or their decision-maker to choose a right code status to avoid a violent death that occurs during an advanced cardiac life support and artificially prolonged life maintenance. It is not to apply my opinion or choice on them. It is to empower them to make right choice in a supportive manner to preserve patients dignity and quality of life, as well as death. In such a way, my professional integrity also will be benefited in maintaining, professional contradiction and personal tension will be avoided. Liberal-humanist Discourse: Advocating Patient According Grant, Giddings Beale (2005), the liberal-humanist discourse of nursing care is a holistic approach; the patient is viewed as a whole person and a unique individual, not the collection of different parts only. Empathic nursing care does not only deal with patients biomedical issues, but also emphasize patients autonomy, rationality, emotions, understandings and dignity; it is characterized by respecting patients self-determination, free choice, and self-representation (Praeger, 2002). The ethic ideology of liberal-humanist discourse of nursing care is underpinned by two assumptions: nurses commitment to a trust therapeutic interpersonal relationship of care and having moral obligation to act (Dyson, 1997, p. 200) on behalf of patients (Grant, Giddings Beale, 2005). Such a sound holistic approach becomes the grand rationale I choose it as one of my discourses. Also, it casts and shapes my best nursing practice by providing my patients and their family holistic caring. However, it must be understand that such an universal or global ideology itself has an underlying contradiction and tension that I experienced in my patient Mr. Ds scenario, that is, under some circumstance or specific context, it is difficulty that empathetic nursing care must have commitment to trust interpersonal relationship by respecting the patients autonomy and at the same time, nurses also have moral obligation to act on behalf of the patient. As for Mr. Ds case, health care team discussed the code status choice in multiple family meetings based on informed decision principle. The whole caring process demonstrated the empathetic caring by respecting familys decision on the code status choice, taking appropriate and timely resuscitation action morally on behalf of the decision maker. However, the misery result was the violation of patients dignity and quality of death in the dying process, which is actually avoidable and it morally generates the ethic guilty and tension in health carers emotion, because health carer eventually does not have the legal authority to take action to morally prevent such an avoidable misery event to be happened. Such contradiction and tension in professional, legal and ethic principles basically contribute to my distress and confusion. Implications for Nursing Practice The discourse from either scientific-medical approach or the liberal-humanist approach, while peoples life reaches the end stage life-span, not only does the physical body, but also the person as a whole, become a vulnerable object. Being a ill person in a hospital can be terribly overwhelming with physical symptoms, anxiety, depressed and helpless, as well as invasive treatment, diagnostic interventions and a variety of information that is related to each procedure. A treatment is supposed to be of benefit if it relieves suffering, restores functioning and improves quality of life; it will become a burden if it causes pain, prolongs dying without offering a benefit or increases distress. When we emphasize that patients do have some control over what kind of treatments they do and do not want, but in how many cases patients really implement their control over the treatments? Taking Mr. Ds scenario as an example, being in his senior age and impaired cognitive status, it is impossible for him to be a host to get his treatment and care plan under the control of his wishes; his decision maker on his behalf, driven and masked by a general graceful desire that is often seen in the most of people, just wants everything has to be done to remain alive to save and prolong his physical life, even if a few more minutes, legally places not only his physical body, but also a person as a whole at the risk of vulnerable position unconsciously while choosing a Full Code status. As a nursing member of the code team, I have professional obligation to do some inhumane resuscitation actions on his vulnerable body and impair his dignity of death. So, putting myself into Mr. Ds shoes, if either my parents or I were in his age and health condition, I really need the preservation of self-determination, free choices and self-representation in decision making on code status choice choose DNR, let me go naturally without pain, suffering and inhumane resuscitating effort. Our patient-center nursing care philosophy always makes us be aware of that patients need to be supported, not blamed (Kammerer, Garry, Hartigan, Carter Erlich, 2007). From the liberal-humanist discourse of nursing care views, committed to trust interpersonal relationship with patients, empathy and communication are two core concepts. When a persons life is at the brink of death, a clear mind is a rarely existed. Often, it will be more difficulty to accept and respect a frail mind than a frail body. Terminally ill people may look differently, feel even worse and terrible, and think in another way. They need advocacy, protection and caring in humane, patient, and professional ways. Supporting their ability to get their lives under control is no less important than keeping their blood pressure under control. Communication in an empathetic passion is more conducive to doing the right thing than rigid legal documents. Nursing has moral, as well as professional, obligation to communicate our scientific-medical knowledge to support patients in determining what kind of code status they want to be and make their wishes known to their loved ones. Family is an integrated part of our clients, which are facing a difficult position during a medical crisis. Identically, we have above obligation to support patients family members in knowing what a loved one wanted that will help them get peace of mind that they are honouring the wishes of their loved one. In such a way, our professional development will be in growth, and our personal distress that is involved in the discourse tension will be released. Summary According to the learning goals of this course, discourse from scientific-medical approach and liberal-humanist approach on a real clinical situation is presented in this paper. Personal distress, frustration and confusion arisen from the clinical dilemma have been analyzed. Nursing care can be explored from different kinds of contradictory discourses. All these contradictory discourses might contribute to nurses feeling of distress, frustration or confusion when encountering different clinical situations. The liberal-humanist ideal of ethic of care focus on viewing a person as a whole and respecting patients self-determination, free choice, and self-representation, bur patients need advocates and support from scientific-medical approach in decision-making. Furthermore, for professional and personal development, nurses should learn to understand these different discourses in one situation and take effective strategies to solve the clinical dilemma. Committing to a trust therapeutic i nterpersonal relationship with patients will help nurses understand patients better, and it also helps nurses to find the meaning of the event so that effective solutions could be figured out to solve clinical dilemma.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Problems And Prospects Of Tourism In Bangladesh Tourism Essay

The Problems And Prospects Of Tourism In Bangladesh Tourism Essay Bangladesh is home to numerous flora and fauna and possesses many panoramic beauties but most of them are unexplored. Having all the minimum requirements, the tourism industry could not develop adequately in the country due to the unwillingness of the governments. Currently, minimum infra-structural arrangement is developing, role of government is now positive, private and public organizations have step forward side by side to attract the local and foreign tourists, researchers, dignitaries and foreign delegates. The aim of the research is to identify the challenges and future prospects of the industry. This study will facilitate the decision makers to assess the intensity of the problem and to plan accurate measures for the development of tourism industry in Bangladesh which might contribute a big share in the GDP of Bangladesh. The researcher has chosen this research topic out of his personal interest: Bangladesh is his homeland and is blended in his blood and flesh. Apathy of the previous governments led the researcher to explore the challenges and future possibilities of the tourism sector in Bangladesh. The researcher expects to emphasize the future development of tourism here in comparison with other regional and global tourist destinations. Research Question Located on the north-eastern side of the South Asian subcontinent, Bangladesh a flat alluvial plain, criss-crossed by the worlds three mighty river systems, is bordered by India in the east, west and north; Myanmar in the south-east and by the bay of Bengal in the south. The land mass of 144,000 is home to nearly 140 million people. Covered with virgin forests, the slopes and valleys of the country are home to numerous flora and fauna. The worlds largest mangrove forest and the habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger, the Sundarbans is located in the south. In the south-east, the country has a 120 km long, perhaps the worlds longest beach of soft silvery sand in a Riviera-like setting with crescent-shaped low hills overlooking the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is endowed with natural resources and the potential for a tourism industry. The main focus of this research aims to answer the question: What problems does Bangladesh face and what might be the prospects as a tourist destination? In order to analyse the terminology, problems and prospects, the researcher is not only required to explore both positive and negative aspects but also to highlight the past scenario along with the future assessment of tourism in Bangladesh. For answering the research question efficiently, the following aims are set. Aims To identify the challenge tourism industry currently facing. To explore the future possible development. To illustrate the role of the public and private sector in developing tourism in Bangladesh. In order to successfully conduct the research, the above stated aims require precise objectives. That is why the researcher has applied the following objectives. Objectives To review academic literature relating to tourism development. To examine secondary documents relating to the challenges and development of tourism in Bangladesh. Suggest recommendation for the future development of tourism industry in Bangladesh based on the literature and stakeholders views. The researcher has adopted a qualitative methodology for conducting this research most effectively. This research includes the view of the representatives from government bodies and private sector business-owners. Data from such organizations and freelance journalists and their opinions on tourism planning, problems and prospects are analysed in conducting the research paper which has helped the researcher to offer recommendations at the destination. Tourism is not associated with aristocracy any more rather every person can afford now. With the passage of time, it has grown to such dimensions that it is considered as an important industry. The promotion of tourism as an industry serves multi-pronged interest which includes preserving cultural heritage, protecting arts and culture, interaction of different religion, exchange of views, and generation of foreign exchange and so on. For last couple of years, Bangladesh has been highlighted as an attractive destination for tourists. Sundarbans and Coxs Bazar have been included in the worldwide New7Wonders of Nature campaign among more than 440 candidate locations from 220 countries. World leading publisher of travel guides and guidebooks, Lonely Planet, last year recommended Bangladesh as one of the top ten interesting travel destination in 2009 (Views On Tourism, 2008). Therefore, the aim of the researcher is to explore the challenges and opportunities relating to the development of tourism in Bangladesh. The areas of literature in this paper include tourism in the developing world, tourism in South Asia and sustainable tourism planning and development. A context chapter on tourism industry in Bangladesh is also included to provide more detailed information. The researcher has tried to depict the scenario of current challenges and future opportunities of tourism industry in Bangladesh through his research paper but it does not reflect the entire picture of the emerging industry. Thus, future researchers can be conducted considering the research paper as a case study. Literature Review The Tourism Industry Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. (UNWTO) According to Mathieson and Wall, tourism is the temporary movement of people from their natural places of living or work to destinations, their activities, and the amenities and services to meet their needs. Each and every destination has impact on the area or the country. A Destination opens the door to demonstrate cultural heritage, exchange views, generate foreign exchange, develop the employment scenario, and strengthen the revenue reserve of the government and so on. Negative impacts include loss of cultural identity, environmental damage, and spread of infectious disease. Figure 1: Butlers Tourist Lifecycle (Source: Destination Recovery Services, 2007) Butler, in his article proposed a widely-accepted model of the lifecycle of a tourist destination. The basic idea his model is that a destination begins as a relatively unknown and visitors initially come in small numbers restricted by lack of access, facilities, and local knowledge. As more people discover the destination, the word spreads about its attractions and the amenities which results into rapid development and expansion of business. Future of the destination fluctuates very much depending on the discovery, more improved amenities of another destination. Demand of any destination is related to more and more investment because tourists wish to experience new and exceptional facilities and ambiences. Popularity of a destination depends on a number of factors and the tourism industry is very uncertain (McElroy Albuquerque, 2002). Without frequent renovation, a destination cannot draw the attention of the tourists. Political unrests, financial turmoil, natural disasters, epidemic diseases, terrorist threats and lack of security can turn down the popularity of a destination. Tourism in the Developing World and in South Asia Tourists now find European and North American destinations less attractive and intend to travel to LDCs (Telfer and Sharpley, 2008). One of the reasons is rapid emergence of tourism in LDCs and another is financial advantages than the traditional destinations from the first world. Tourism operations by MNCs in LDCs create new opportunities and different kind of arrangement which the tourists always look for. Most of the South Asian countries are booming in their tourism sectors. Among all the South Asian nations, India and the Maldives receive the most foreign currencies. Sri Lanka is not behind the race and the policy makers of the country declared 2010 as the year of tourism. They are promoting their twelve different components throughout the year. The Maldives is one of the sensual and honeymoon destinations of the world. Each and every state of India is also promoting their own state in every way possible. The authority of Bangladesh at last realised the importance of tourism development to add extra revenue to the GDP of the country. Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism along with PPP has agreed to bring the tourism industry of the country forward. GoB has already declared to observe 2011 as the year of tourism and allocated Tk. 2.83 billion for the FY 2010-11 (Ministry of Finance), the highest ever allocation in tourism sector. Private sectors are more concerned in building infrastructures i.e. hotels, motels, resorts, amusement parks. Sustainable Tourism Four types of stakeholders including government authorities, the local business community, the local community and visitors remain involved in tourism at any destination (Bushell, 2001). For developing a successful tourist destination, the stakeholders are required to formulate an integrated plan. If all stakeholders do their part accordingly and remain responsible for their own actions, the sector of tourism will surely flourish. Sustainable tourism should make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. (UNWTO) For successful sustainability programme awareness, understanding and commitment to sustainability goals from management and staff are required (Speck, 2002). According to Butlers (1980 cited in Weaver, 2006) Destination Life Cycle, unmonitored and unplanned tourism development resulting into ultimate weakness which may shake the foundation of tourism. Proper facilities and accommodation is one of the first conditions for implementing sustainable tourism. It also requires assurance of booming of a destination and continuous investment to keep the pace of development. It also need be ensure the ecological balance, conservation and biodiversity. Sustainable tourism should not change or spoil the cultural resources, national and social values. Context Chapter Tourism in Bangladesh Figure 2: Map of Bangladesh (Source: Lonely Planet, 2010) Now-a-days, traditional tourist interest on some selected countries has changed. They now intend to explore new areas avoiding the over-crowded destinations. By identifying this changing behavior and trend in global tourist movement, many countries have developed their own tourism industry. Bangladesh is holding high potentiality for tourism. This sector might result multiplier effect on the countrys economy by not only earning foreign currencies but also creating new job opportunities for the huge unemployed population. Realising the fact, GoB has decide to observe 2011 as the year of tourism to acquaint the people with the countrys tourist resources. Bangladesh Geographical Coordinates 24 00 N, 90 00 E Area 56977 sq. miles or 147570 sq. km. Capital Dhaka Currency Taka (TK) Local Time GMT + 6 Population 156,118,464 (July 2010 est.) Weather Tropical; mild winter (October to March); hot, humid summer (March to June); humid, warm rainy monsoon (June to October) Visitor Arrivals (in 2005) 207,662Table 1: Bangladesh Statistics (Bangladesh Pocket Year Book, 2009; The World Factbook) Tourism sector in Bangladesh is mainly supervised by public sector. Government regulates the tourism sector through Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), the National Tourism Organization (NTO). With the twofold responsibility of development and promotion of tourism, BPC was established in the year 1972 and commenced business as a Corporation in January 1973. BPC, a semi-autonomous organization is responsible for providing tourism services to construct and run hotels, restaurants, operate duty free shops, transportation and car rental, establish and administer tourism training institution. NTO, on the other hand, is mainly a tourism service provider and promoter of tourism product. To foster the rapid growth of the tourism industry, GoB declared the National Tourism Policy in 1992. Figure 3: Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism Other Travels (1996-2005) [Source: Bangladesh Parjatan Corpotation] The tourism industry of Bangladesh has received around Tk. 550 million between 1972 and 2006 while PPP has invested Tk. 1.8 billion on twenty tourism projects FY 2010-11. However, the GoB has realized the importance of tourism sector and shifted from their previous position since FY 2009-10. GoB has allocated Tk. 2.28 billion in the national budget of FY 2009-10 while allocation in 2010-11 amounts Tk. 2.83 billion (MoF, 2010) for the tourism sector. World class accommodation is one of the highest priorities to boost the tourism industry of any country. That is why, nearly 500 hotels, 40 resorts and 15 amusement parks (New Age, 2005) have been built at popular tourist destinations, including Dhaka, Coxs Bazar, Chittagong, Sylhet, Bogra and Khulna during the last two years. Bangladesh possesses the Sundarbans the mangrove forest in the world, Coxs Bazaar the longest natural beach in the whole planet, the exotic tea gardens in Sylhet, the beautiful hills in Rangamati and Bandarban, the wonderful sights and sounds in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the brilliant natural scenery in Foys Lake, the centuries old Buddhist monasteries and so on. Such places of interest in have managed to attract tourists to Bangladesh from each corner of the world which is reflected in the increasing number of tourist arrival in the country. A total of 165,887 tourists arrived from more than 76 countries in 1996 which increased to 207,662 in 2005 (Appendix 1). Moreover, foreign exchange earnings from tourism has increased from Tk. 33.59 million in 1996 to Tk. 69.91 million in 2005 (Appendix 2). Methodology A theoretical approach provides a guiding framework for analyzing and interpreting the data (Finn, 2000). It helps a researcher to remain consistent while collecting data and knowledge form them (Jennings, 2001). There are a number of theoretical approaches for research but only very few are appropriate (Veal, 2006). Conducting the research, the researcher has mainly used secondary data and qualitative methodologies. Qualitative methodologies are associated with the interpretive approach of research (Veal, 2006). Jennings (2001) mentions researcher-participants subjective relationship as well as the participants considering the researcher as an insider. Unstructured research design, data displayed in textual form, highlighting key themes and a specific study setting are other qualitative features (Veal, 2006). The advantage of using secondary data is the freedom from arbitration by the interaction between the researcher and researched (Jennings, 2001). Data from MoF, BPC, MoCAT, SB, and NTO mainly helped to have a clear idea about the condition of tourism in Bangladesh from governments view. Future suggestions for sustainable tourism in Bangladesh by the authorities of Jamuna Resort, Padma Resort, Foys Lake Resort and Motel Atlantis have helped the researcher in conducting the research successfully. The data collected from different sources has been analysed to assess the future growth of the economy of Bangladesh. One major problem in collecting data on tourism in Bangladesh is that there is no updated database in any authorities of the government nor the private sector has any recent statistics on the sector. Government bodies are rather non-cooperative rather than the private tourist operators. Jamuna Resort, Padma Resort, Foys Lake Resort and Motel Atlantis authorities only provided their suggestion for creating a tourism friendly environment in the country. As most of the government bodies in Bangladesh have linked to internet in 2010 and most of the officials do not have email address, they could not be reached. Data from BPC and MoCAT have covered most of the data collected on the present scenario of tourism in Bangladesh. Most of the tourist facilities are offered by the private sector but do not posses any data on tourism in Bangladesh as they are only concern about their business. However, suggestions provided by the private sector tourist operators have also been added in the research paper so that the policy makers can consider them while formulating future policies for sustainable tourism in Bangladesh. Result and Analysis For conducting the research successfully, primary and secondary data has been compiled and sectioned into several themes. The challenges and opportunities of tourism in Bangladesh have been identified through the analysis of data. It not only identifies the possibilities of tourism sector in Bangladesh but also forecasts the tourism potential of the country. The outcomes of the analysis are enlisted here: Tourists visiting Bangladesh Data from BPC and SB reveals the nationality and real purpose of the tourist visiting Bangladesh. Tastes of the tourists vary from person to person, even region to region; so, it is better to understand the tourist pattern of the country. Types of Tourists Analysing the data it is found that tourists visit Bangladesh mainly on three purposes. However, higher percentage of 42 visits on business purpose while 23 percent visit for pleasure. Representative of BPC stated that the percentage of tourist visiting for pleasure is increasing day by day as the tourism products of the country are improvising rapidly. Figure 4: Purpose of the tourists for visiting (Source: BPC) Nationality of Tourists Arrivals Africa 1730 America 18673 E/A Pacific 35976 Europe 48961 M/East 2861 A/Asia 99459 Table 2: Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Region 2005 (Source: BPC)Data analysis of the year 2005 shows that 48 percent tourists visiting the country are from the Asian nations while visitors from Europe hold the second position with 24 percent. Percentage of tourist arrival from Asia Pacific, America, Africa and Middle East are 17, 9, 1 and 1 percent respectively. The number of tourists from SAARC countries total 99010 which means only 449 tourists from the rest of Asian nations have visited the country in 2005. Tourism Products in Bangladesh Tourists naturally compares the products a destination is offering with another one for ensuring the proper utilization of both money and time as well as peace of mind, relaxation, perfect ambience, improved accommodation and so on. Therefore, it is the duty of the policymakers of a destination to take necessary action for providing the tourism products to the tourists according to the demand. Accommodation World class accommodation is one of the highest priorities to boost the tourism industry of any country. In the previous years both the public and private sector have realised the need of accommodation of higher standard in the country. That is why, nearly 500 hotels, 40 resorts and 15 amusement parks (New Age, 2005) have been built at popular tourist destinations, including Dhaka, Coxs Bazar, Chittagong, Sylhet, Bogra and Khulna during the last two years. Even the government run BPC has increased their area of coverage to 16 regions with 5 hotels, 17 motels and one cottage. Tourism Product Bangladesh with three World Heritage Sites Mahasthangarh, Mosque City of Bagerhat and the Sundarbans, has a lot to offer to the tourists. Worlds longest 120 km long sandy beach of Coxs Bazar along with Patenga, Parki, Teknaf, St. Martin Island and Kuakata beach will definitely quench the thirst of beach lovers. The beauty of the largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, can amaze anyone while travelling in steam boats and experiencing the diversity and ecosystem of the forest. The lake district of Rangamati, the lake town of Kaptai, the hilltop town of Khagrachhari and the roof of Bangladesh: Bandarban will bring the tourists close to nature they may not have gone before. Archeological sites of Buddhists monasteries, Hindu temples and Muslim mosques and palaces can educate the tourist seeking archeological knowledge of South Asia and Bangladesh. Besides these, there are many places of interest in the country which might draw the attractions of the tourists. Impacts of Tourism National and global impacts of tourism influence the overall situation of a country concerning its economy, socio-economic condition, ecology and environment. Tourism enriches economy, exchanges social and cultural values, and conserves nature; however, it has some negative impacts as well. Economic Impact Tourists contribute to sales, profits, jobs, tax revenues, and income in an area or a country. Tourism activity normally focuses on changes in sales, income, and employment in a region. Thus, the economic benefits of tourism are well documented. In case of Bangladesh, contribution of tourism in the economy of the country is gradually increasing. The contribution of the sector is expected to get higher in the forthcoming years due to gigantic investment of public and private sector. The contribution of travel tourism to GDP is expected to rise from 3.9% (Tk. 265.9 billion) in 2010 to 4.1% (Tk. 788.4 billion) by 2020 (WTTC, 2007). It is also anticipated to create an employment opportunity of 2,373,000 in 2010 which might increase to 3,114,000 by 2010. In the current year, an estimated amount of Tk. 64.0 billion is expected to be invested in travel tourism sector. It is not necessary that tourism has all positive impacts. Tourism is closely associated with uncontrolled, unsustainable and massed tourism growth. With a purpose of making money by selling experiences, tourism is mainly dominated by private enterprises. Market led planning can fail to achieve the objectives of sustainable tourism. Like all industries, impacts do occur, but the extent to which impacts are negative can be minimised. Socio-Cultural Impact An interface for cultural exchange, tourism facilitates the interaction between communities and visitors. As travels means to discover those things unknown or forgotten within ourselves, people want to interact with other cultures, learn about traditions and even confront themselves with new perspectives on life and society. Tourism can serve as a supportive force for peace, foster pride in cultural traditions and help avoid urban relocation by creating local jobs. The society can take the valuable aspects of another society vis-Ã  -vis culture through tourism. The more one knows and learns about a destination, the more fulfilling the experience would be. As tourism involves movement of people to different geographical locations, and establishment of social relations between people who would otherwise not meet, cultural clashes can take place as a result of differences in cultures, ethnicity, religion, values, lifestyles, languages, and levels of prosperity. The interest shown by tourists also contributes to the sense of self-worth of the artists and helps to conserve a cultural tradition, cultural erosion due to the commoditization of cultural goods. Environmental Impact Tourism has beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation. It raises the awareness of environmental values and can serve as a tool to finance protection of natural areas. Most of the national parks are now conserved by the public administration due to the rising demand of tourism. The GoB has decided to conserve all the forests, places of natural beauties and build a marine park at Coxs Bazar to draw the attraction of the tourists from the each corner of the world. Development of tourism can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends. Land and water witness the most negative impacts of tourism in the country. For the development of the sector, more and more lands are used to build infrastructure to create facilities for the tourists resulting to the shortage of land and water as well. Sewerage littering, deforestation, air and noise pollution are some of the many negative impacts of tourism on environment. Conclusion Destinations interested in attracting foreign visitors and in developing sustainable tourist industries depend heavily on traveller perceptions of safety and peace (Sonmez, 2002: 176). The aim of the research is to identify the challenges that the sector of tourism is facing currently and to asses the future as well. Tourism of Bangladesh has not flourished yet due to the unwillingness of the previous government. MoCAT has the highest allocation of Tk. 2.83 billion since the independence of the country in 1971. PPP is also working efficiently for fostering the growth of tourism with the financing from MNCs. Bangladesh as a tourist destination has many things to offer: beaches, hillside, forests, waterfall, historical and archeological sites, amusement parks and many more. The country is now on the track to enrich the tourism sector like the other nations for a better contribution on the GDP. The lack of world-class accommodation near all places of interests is now under construction which may result into more tourist arrival in the country. If tourism is to be successful in the future, public and management must strive for all four goals: enhanced visitor satisfactions, improved economy and business success, sustainable resource use, and community and area integration. (Gunn with Var, 2002: 105) All the forecast during the research indicate the rapid growth of tourism in Bangladesh. Now, the question is whether the growth will be sustainable or not. It is the responsibility of the government as well as the private sector to emerge the tourism for sustainability so that it can conserve the environment, socio-cultural structure and contribute revenue to the economy to make Bangladesh a middle-income country by 2021 (year of silver jubilee of independence). Suggestions for the Future Development of Tourism The four private tourism operator of Bangladesh have provided the following recommendations for the future development of tourism in the country. Improved transport system Infrastructural development of tourism industry Uninterrupted power supply Development of human resources in the sector of tourism Preservation of places of natural beauty Improved marketing strategy of the government Proper planning of the government for ensuring sustainable tourism References Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2010) Statistical Pocket Book 2009 [Online] Available: [November 23, 2010] Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (2010) Foreign Exchange Earnings fron Tourism Other Travels (1996-2005) [Online] Available: [November 21, 2010] Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (2010) Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Region 2005 [Online] Available: http:// [November 21, 2010] Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (2010) Visitor Arrivals by Nationality (1996-2005) [Online] Available: [November 21, 2010] Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (2010) Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism Other Travels (1996-2005) [Online] Available: [November 21, 2010] Bushell, R. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Humans & Nature In The Industrial Revolution :: Essays Papers

Humans & Nature In The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a technological transformation because during this time inventions began spreading like wild fire. The first invention came in the cotton industry. Cotton was a key part of Englands economy and the demand for it was very high, but the production was very low. A solution to this problem was found when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. This new invention showed the efficiency of machinery as one person could now produce six-hundred pounds of cotton per day. " The cotton industry presented the most dramatic example of rapid transition from a traditional, loosely organized, dependent on hand tool technology, to a centrally managed and centrally located factory system using large scale machinery, powered by inanimate sources of energy." ( Deane, pg. 17) Another key invention was the steam engine. The dissenters played a huge role in making this invention possible. They found burning coal was much more useful than trees. Steam engines provide d better transportation, but more important it brought the factories out off the hillside. The factories and water mills that once needed the hills of the mountains now could go into the cities and prosper greatly. It was also during the revolution that many countries changed economically. With the inventions of the steam engine and cotton gin came the soaring of many economies across the country. For this rising economy the increase in production of cotton is an immediate effect. People were able to produce more product with less workers and in less time. Another key element for the rise in economies was the idea of large scale banking operations. This is best seen with the creation of the National City Bank in New York City. Another key economic addition was the idea of capitalism. " Capitalist, people who have their own materials, money, and space, bought many machines and stored them in a factory, where hired people worked the whole day manufacturing goods. Humans & Nature In The Industrial Revolution :: Essays Papers Humans & Nature In The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a technological transformation because during this time inventions began spreading like wild fire. The first invention came in the cotton industry. Cotton was a key part of Englands economy and the demand for it was very high, but the production was very low. A solution to this problem was found when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. This new invention showed the efficiency of machinery as one person could now produce six-hundred pounds of cotton per day. " The cotton industry presented the most dramatic example of rapid transition from a traditional, loosely organized, dependent on hand tool technology, to a centrally managed and centrally located factory system using large scale machinery, powered by inanimate sources of energy." ( Deane, pg. 17) Another key invention was the steam engine. The dissenters played a huge role in making this invention possible. They found burning coal was much more useful than trees. Steam engines provide d better transportation, but more important it brought the factories out off the hillside. The factories and water mills that once needed the hills of the mountains now could go into the cities and prosper greatly. It was also during the revolution that many countries changed economically. With the inventions of the steam engine and cotton gin came the soaring of many economies across the country. For this rising economy the increase in production of cotton is an immediate effect. People were able to produce more product with less workers and in less time. Another key element for the rise in economies was the idea of large scale banking operations. This is best seen with the creation of the National City Bank in New York City. Another key economic addition was the idea of capitalism. " Capitalist, people who have their own materials, money, and space, bought many machines and stored them in a factory, where hired people worked the whole day manufacturing goods.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Examination Of Music History :: essays research papers fc

A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become." - W.H. Auden. This quote best explains the complex art of music. Music is an elaborate art form that will always remain ever changing. Music developed drastically from it's beginning in the Prehistoric era to the 14th Century. The exact origin of music is unknown. It is known that music was used in prehistoric times in magical or spiritual rituals but no other use is known. This knowledge is borne out of the fact that music still forms a vital part of most religious ceremonies today. The history of Greek music is problematic. Although there are frequent references to musical performance in Greek manuscripts, there are less than twelve fragments of actual Greek music, including both vocal and instrumental music, that have survived. It is impossible to fully understand the notation to make an authentic performance. For the Greeks, music was of divine origin. According to Greek mythology, the gods themselves invented music and it's instruments. Many of the early myths told of the powerful effects of music. Music played an important part in both the public and private lives of the Greeks. They believed it could deeply affect human behavior. Greek music was built up of a series of distinct modes, each with it's own name. According to the doctrine of ethos, each mode was so powerful that it gave music the ability to influence human actions in a precise way. The Phrygian mode expressed passionate and intimate emotions, where as the Dorian mode produced forceful, rigid feelings. In later Greek history the doctrine of ethos was widely argued by the most philosophical of men. Plato and Aristotle both had broadly different views on the power and importance of music. The persocratic philosopher Pythagoras was even interested enough in music to develop the numerical octave system that we still use today. The Classical Greeks used music in much of their drama and by the time Greece was made a Roman province, music dominated dramatic performances and social activities. There is not a great deal of original Roman music. Most of the music that did come out of the Roman era was derived from the Greeks. Despite this, there was definite musical activity in the later Roman Empire. An ample amount of evidence survived for instruments and a good deal of theory also.